NR Mineral Seaweed Food
$ 12.00 & 26.50
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NR Mineral Seaweed Food

Website: Natural Rearing Health Products
Contact Email: : Marina Zacharias
Phone:  541-899-2080
 Fax:   541-899-3414

When I went searching for an immune booster, I came across this product from  Little did I know i'd see such a dramatic improvement in not only the health of the dogs, the incredicle change and improvement of their coats.

Having longhair Dachshunds the coat is a big factor in the ring and after using this product for as little as 3 weeks, I could see the visual change from shine to GLOSS.  The added benefit was the stimulation of coat growth.  I have dogs that literally drag the ground with their coat now as you can see by Jenny's picture!

Originally purchased to help a rescue dachshund's immune system, I added it to everyone's food (a pinch is all you need for a small dog) and found that it is something I will not be without now.  The two dogs that had severe allergies have improved so dramatically that they no longer scratch at "nothing' and have grown their coat out looking better and feeling better.  There is no doubt about it, healthy on the inside is reflected by the gloss, clear skin and energy on the outside.

 I give this product a thumbs up!

Item description as it appears in Natural Rearing catalog:

NR SEAWEED MINERAL FOOD: Mrs. Bairacli Levy was the pioneer of the feeding of seaweed for the veterinary world. Contains only the best DEEP-SEA KELP. The mineral content of this food is improved by the addition of NETTLE, one of the most vital mineral and medicinal rich plants on land; and COMFREY, valued for  its rare minerals, tonic properties, and bone mending abilities. Also added are CLEAVERS and UVI URSI. These herbs are important aids in kidney function, overall glandular health and in particular thyroid function. 

This natural food supplement promotes the general well being of All animals, including; strong and thick coat;  good pigment and bone; healthy teeth; full milk supply in females and strong nerves for all. When used daily for the pregnant female, it can give amazing results in the general improvement of the litter as well as prevent acid or failing milk and streptococcal infection. A mere pinch given daily is a proven " Wonder Worker" Daily Dosage:


small dog / cat- a pinch
med. dog - 1/8 - ¼ tsp.
large dog - ½ tsp.


100 gram…. $ 12.00
                                                               250 gram …. $ 26.50 

For problems ( coat, pigmentation, etc.) or pregnancy, use double maintenance dosage.

Website: Natural Rearing Health Products
Contact Email: : Marina Zacharias
Phone:  541-899-2080
 Fax:   541-899-3414

Product reviews are unbiased reports that I write because I have personally tried the item I am writing about. I am not compensated nor are these items paying for any endorsement. These opinions are totally mine, as the owner of DORG, but, because they have proven to be a credible product that lives up to it's claim, I feel that I can benefit others by writing a review.
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