Insect Stings
Usually if an anaphylactic reaction is going to occur, it starts within 15 to 30 minutes. If it has not begun within that time, it is not as likely to occur. Aside from increased swelling and difficulty breathing, an anaphylactic reaction might include vomiting, uncontrolled defecation or urination, weakness, or convulsions. Without treatment, a pet experiencing an anaphylactic reaction could die within an hour. Call your vet immediately or your emergency vet and tell them when you suspect the bite happening. If you have prednisone handy ask if you should administer it as an anti inflammatory. Get your pet to the vet asap. A pet that ordinarily would have only a mild reaction to the stings of one or two insects could have an anaphylactic reaction to the stings of an entire nest of insects. A pet could also have a delayed reaction as the body tries to cope with both the excessive amount of foreign protein that has been inserted into it and its own response to that foreign protein. The liver or kidneys may be affected. These pets are usually depressed and often have a fever. Blood work can show if the organs have been injured. Pets are curious, and insects often fascinate them. As the days get warmer, insects start proliferating. Our pets get out more, and the chances increase for them and the insects to come into contact. It is often nothing more than some moments of pain for the pet, but it never hurts to get it checked What You Should DoIf your pet has been stung by a bee, most likely a stinger is in the skin. If you can locate the site of sting (your pet may be biting, scratching, or licking it) remove the stinger by scraping it out with your fingernail or a credit card. Try not to squeeze it out as this may inject more venom.Apply a paste of baking soda and water to the sting or bite to relieve the itching. Ammonia or calamine lotion dabbed on with a cotton ball can also relieve itching and pain. Apply an ice pack or cold compress to the area to relieve pain and swelling. What Your Veterinarian Will DoYour veterinarian may prescribe an antihistamine to reduce the swelling and itching. An antibiotic might be prescribed if a scorpion has stung your pet. If your pet is suffering from anaphylactic shock, your veterinarian will provide emergency treatment.AftercareIf your veterinarian has prescribed an antihistamine or a painkiller, treat your pet as directed. If your pet has been stung inside the mouth, eating may be painful. Soften the food with water or feed a soft food. If scorpions are a problem, a certified pest control operator should be contacted.
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